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Posted by on 29th Jul 2015
Artists Lipika Sen & Prabhjyot Majithia as featured in the speaker's and entertainment panel for Ted X Tauranga 2015 :
The Rainbow Flautist by artists Lipika Sen & Prabhjyot Majithia, a sculpture in cortene and timber shows today evening at the opening reception of Mid Winter Summer 2 exhibition at Creative Tauranga Gallery , Willow Street, Tauranga, New Zealand, on July 16 2015 from 5pm - 7pm. The sculpture was first shown at the 10th biennale of the [...]
The heART in the City walk - 27 February, 2014, Tauranga. Organised by Downtown Tauranga as part of their 'heART in the city' initiative in support of the Heart Foundation, this walk will be great for your own heart as well as others, while demanding no gruelling training...Starting from the Masonic Park, Tauranga at 6pm on [...]